General Information
Full Name | Samuel V. Arsenault |
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ORCID | 0000-0001-7930-360X |
- 2020
Doctor of Philosophy, Entomology
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States
- Advisor - Brendan G. Hunt
- Committee - Kenneth Ross, Allen Moore, and Robert Schmitz
- Graduate Certificate in Bioinformatics
- 2015
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Biology
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States
- Advisor - Jonathan Arnold
- Concentration in Neuroscience
Research Experience
- 2020-Present
Postdoctoral Research
John Harvard Distinguished Research Fellows, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Evolution of queen polymorphisms in the genus Leptothorax using genomic and morphometrics approaches.
- Molecular underpinnings of novel caste development in Ooceraea biroi.
- 2015-2020
Graduate Research
Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
- Brendan G. Hunt - Evolutionary Insect Genetics Lab
- Evolution and regulation of the social form-mediating supergene in S. invicta using RNA-seq approaches.
- Caste differentiation in S. invicta and the impact of the social form-mediating supergene therein.
- Effect of maternal care on DNA methylation patterns and gene expression in C. calcarata.
- Molecular evolution of DNA methylation enzymes in Hymenoptera.
- Schmitz Lab
- DNA methylation patterns in P. canadensis, D. quadriceps, and N. vespilloides.
- Transcription factor binding domains in Zea mays.
- Tarleton Research Group
- Developed web-based tools for CRISPR-Cas9 guide RNA synthesis.
- Applications of the CRISPR-Cas9 in Trypanosoma cruzi.
- Brendan G. Hunt - Evolutionary Insect Genetics Lab
- 2014-2015
Undergraduate Research
Department of Genentics and College of Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
- Laboratory for Fungal Genomics and Computational Biology (Jonathan Arnold Lab)
- Computational modeling of synchronous behavior arising in networks of cells.
- Gene regulatory networks underlying circadian rhythms in Neuorspora crassa
- Leidong Mao Lab
- Microfluidics applications for the study circadian rhythms in individual cells.
- Single-cell measurement fluorescence measurement of gene expression.
- Laboratory for Fungal Genomics and Computational Biology (Jonathan Arnold Lab)
Teaching Experience
- 2022
Instructor - Integrated Science (LS50)
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Developed and Implemented in collaboartion with Buck Trible.
- Research-driven course focusing on providing hands-on experience to first-year undergraduates.
- 2018
Instructor of Record - Principles of Biology II Lab (BIOL 1108L)
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
- Organized and taught the lab portion of introductory biology for science majors focusing on research techniques, fieldwork, and general concepts in biology.
- 2017
Instructor of Record - Principles of Biology II Lab (BIOL 1108L)
- Organized and taught the lab portion of introductory biology for science majors focusing on research techniques, fieldwork, and general concepts in biology.
- 2016
Teaching Assistant - Principles of Biology II (BIOL 1108)
- Helped to develop in-class assignments, lead discussion groups, and grade exams.
- 2010-2011
Tutor at Mathnasium at Woodlawn Square, Marietta, GA, USA
- One-on-one mathematics tutor for students from age 5-18.
Conferences and Presentations
- 2020-Present
- Oral Presentation at Biology and Genomics of Social Insects Conference (2024)
- Oral Presentation at the Invertebrate Supergroup Meeting (2023)
- Invited Departmental Seminar at University of Rochester (October 2022)
- Chalk Talk at Boston Evolutionary Genomics Supergroup Annual Retreat (October 2022)
- Oral Presentation at 2022 SINNERS Conference (June 2022)
- Oral Presentation at 2021 ESA Annual Meeting (November 2021)
- 2015-2020
- Poster Presentation at the Evolution of Complex Life Conference (May 2019)
- Oral Presentation at the 2018 ESA, ESC, and ESBC Joint Annual Meeting (November 2018)
- Oral Presentation at the Biology and Genomics of Social Insects Conference at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories (May 2018)
- Oral Presentation for the Enthusiasts of Diversity, Genetics, and Evolution at UGA (March 2018)
- Oral Presentation at the 2017 Entomological Society of America Meeting (November 2017)
- Poster Presentation at the 43rd annual Southeastern Population Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics meeting (October 2016)
- 2015-2016
- Poster Presentation at the Southeast BME Regional Conference (October 2015)
- Presentation at the College of Engineering REU Research Symposium (July 2015)
- Poster Showcase of REU@UGA (July 2015)
- Presentation for REU Participants (July 2014)
Honors and Awards
- 2019
- H.O. Lund Entomology Scholarship
- 2018
- Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
- 2017
- UGA Graduate School Student Travel Grant
- H.O. Lund Outstanding Achievement Award for Scholarship and Research
- 2016
- Honorable Mention for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant